
This script defines the exceptions used in the ankaios_sdk module.


  • WorkloadFieldException: Raised when the workload field is invalid.

  • WorkloadBuilderException: Raised when the workload builder is invalid.

  • InvalidManifestException: Raised when the manifest file is invalid.

  • ConnectionClosedException: Raised when the connection is closed.

  • RequestException: Raised when the request is invalid.

  • ResponseException: Raised when the response is invalid.

  • ControlInterfaceException: Raised when an operation fails.

  • AnkaiosException: Raised when an update operation fails.

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.WorkloadFieldException(field, value, accepted_values)[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when the workload field is invalid

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.WorkloadBuilderException[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when the workload builder is invalid.

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.InvalidManifestException[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when the manifest file is invalid.

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.ConnectionClosedException[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when the connection is closed.

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.RequestException[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when the request is invalid.

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.ResponseException[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when the response is invalid.

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.ControlInterfaceException[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when an operation on the Control Interface fails

exception ankaios_sdk.exceptions.AnkaiosException(message)[source]

Bases: AnkaiosBaseException

Raised when an update operation fails.