Control interface¶
The control interface allows the workload developers to easily integrate the communication between the Ankaios system and their applications.
title: Overview
flowchart TD
a1(Ankaios Agent 1)
w1(Workload 1)
w2(Workload 2)
a2(Ankaios Agent 2)
w3(Workload 3)
w4(Workload 4)
s(Ankaios Server)
s <--> a1 <-->|Control Interface| w1 & w2
s <--> a2 <-->|Control Interface| w3 & w4
The control interface enables a workload to communicate with the Ankaios system by interacting with the Ankaios server through writing/reading communication data to/from the provided FIFO files in the FIFO mount point.
FIFO mount point¶
title: FIFO Mount Point
flowchart TD
a1(Ankaios Agent 1)
w1(Workload 1)
w2(Workload 2)
s(Ankaios Server)
s <--> a1 <-->|"/run/ankaios/control_interface/{input,output}"| w1 & w2
The control interface relies on FIFO (also known as named pipes) to enable a workload process to communicate with the Ankaios system. For that purpose, Ankaios creates a mount point for each workload to store the FIFO files. At the mount point /run/ankaios/control_interface/
the workload developer can find the FIFO files input
and output
and use them for the communication with the Ankaios server. Ankaios uses its own communication protocol described in protocol documentation as a protobuf IDL which allows the client code to be generated in any programming language supported by the protobuf compiler. The generated client code can then be integrated and used in a workload.
Communication between Ankaios and workloads¶
title: Communication between Ankaios and a workload
flowchart TD
gen_code("Generated Client Code")
proto -->|generate code with protoc| gen_code
workload-->|uses| gen_code
In order to enable the communication between a workload and the Ankaios system, the workload needs to make use of the control interface by sending and processing serialized messages defined in ankaios.proto
via writing to and reading from the provided FIFO files output
and input
found in the mount point /run/ankaios/control_interface/
. By using the protobuf compiler (protoc) code in any programming language supported by the protobuf compiler can be generated. The generated code contains functions for serializing and deserializing the messages to and from the Protocol Buffers binary format.
Sending request message from a workload to Ankaios server¶
To send out a request message from the workload to the Ankaios Server the request message needs to be serialized using the generated serializing function, then encoded using length-delimited wire type format and then written directly into the output
FIFO file. The type of request message is StateChangeRequest.
title: Send request message via control interface
flowchart TD
req_msg(Fill StateChangeRequest message)
ser_msg(Serialize StateChangeRequest message using the generated serializing function)
enc_bytes(Encode as length-delimited varint)
output("Write encoded bytes to /run/ankaios/control_interface/output")
begin --> req_msg
req_msg --> ser_msg
ser_msg -->enc_bytes
enc_bytes --> output
output --> fin
Code snippet in Rust for sending request message via control interface:
use api::proto;
use prost::Message;
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt},
async fn main() {
let control_interface_mount_point = Path::new("/run/ankaios/control_interface");
let out_fifo_location = control_interface_mount_point.join("output");
let mut out_fifo = File::create(&out_fifo_location).await.unwrap();
// Fill StateChangeRequest message
let request_msg_update_state = proto::StateChangeRequest {
state_change_request_enum: Some(
proto::UpdateStateRequest {
new_state: Some(proto::CompleteState {
update_mask: vec![
// Serialize StateChangeRequest message using the generated serializing function
// and encode as length-delimited varint
// using encode_length_delimited_to_vec() function provided by prost through code generation
let out_bytes = request_msg_update_state.encode_length_delimited_to_vec();
// Write encoded bytes to /run/ankaios/control_interface/output
Processing response message from Ankaios server¶
To process a response message from the Ankaios Server the workload needs to read out the bytes from the input
FIFO file. As the bytes are encoded in length-delimited wire type format with a variable length the length needs to be decoded and extracted first. Then the length can be used to decode and deserialize the read bytes to a response message object for further processing. The type of the response message is ExecutionRequest.
title: Read response message via control interface
flowchart TD
input("Read bytes from /run/ankaios/control_interface/input")
dec_length(Get length from read length delimited varint encoded bytes)
deser_msg(Decode and deserialize ExecutionRequest message using decoded length and the generated functions)
further_processing(Process ExecutionRequest message object)
begin --> input
input --> dec_length
dec_length --> deser_msg
deser_msg --> further_processing
further_processing --> fin
Code Snippet in Rust for reading response message via control interface:
use api::proto;
use prost::Message;
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt},
async fn read_protobuf_data(file: &mut File) -> Result<Box<[u8]>, io::Error> {
let varint_data = read_varint_data(file).await?;
let mut varint_data = Box::new(&varint_data[..]);
// determine the exact size for exact reading of the bytes later by decoding the varint data
let size = prost::encoding::decode_varint(&mut varint_data)? as usize;
let mut buf = vec![0; size];
file.read_exact(&mut buf[..]).await?; // read exact bytes from file
async fn read_varint_data(file: &mut File) -> Result<[u8; MAX_VARINT_SIZE], io::Error> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_VARINT_SIZE];
for item in res.iter_mut() {
*item = file.read_u8().await?;
// check if signature bit is set to 0 if so it is the last byte to be read
if *item & 0b10000000 == 0 {
async fn main() {
let control_interface_mount_point = Path::new("/run/ankaios/control_interface");
let in_fifo_location = control_interface_mount_point.join("input");
let mut in_fifo = File::open(&in_fifo_location).await.unwrap();
tokio::spawn(async move {
println!("listen to ExecutionRequest ...");
loop {
if let Ok(binary) = read_protobuf_data(&mut in_fifo).await {
let proto = proto::ExecutionRequest::decode(&mut Box::new(binary.as_ref()));
println!("Got ExecutionRequest: {:#?}", proto);
// process received ExecutionRequest response message here ...