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Protocol Documentation

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The Ankaios communication protocol is used in the communcation between the following components:

  1. Ankaios Agent and Ankaios Server,

  2. Ankaios CLI and Ankaios Server,

  3. Workload and Ankaios Server through the control interface.

The protocol consists of the following top-level message types:

  1. ToServer: agent/cli -> server

  2. FromServer: server -> agent/cli


A message containing information about a workload to be added to the Ankaios cluster.

Field Type Label Description
instanceName WorkloadInstanceName The instance name of the workload.
runtime string The name of the runtime, e.g., podman.
dependencies AddedWorkload.DependenciesEntry repeated A list of dependencies to other workloads with their corresponding, expected states. Can be used to enable a synchronized start of a workload.
restartPolicy RestartPolicy An enum value that defines the condition under which a workload is restarted.
tags Tag repeated A list of tags.
runtimeConfig string The configuration information specific to the runtime.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value AddCondition


A message to the Ankaios server to register a new agent.

Field Type Label Description
agentName string A unique agent name.


A message containing the complete state of the Ankaios system. This is a response to the CompleteStateRequest message.

Field Type Label Description
startupState State The State information at the startup of the Ankaios System.
desiredState State The state the user wants to reach.
workloadStates WorkloadState repeated The current states of the workloads.


A message containing a request for the complete/partial state of the Ankaios system. This is usually answered with a CompleteState message.

Field Type Label Description
fieldMask string repeated A list of symbolic field paths within the State message structure e.g. 'desiredState.workloads.nginx'.


A message containing information about a workload to be deleted from the Anakaios system.

Field Type Label Description
instanceName WorkloadInstanceName The instance name of the workload.
dependencies DeletedWorkload.DependenciesEntry repeated A list of dependencies to other workloads with their corresponding, expected states. Can be used to enable a synchronized stop of a workload.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value DeleteCondition


Field Type Label Description
message string


Field Type Label Description
additionalInfo string The additional info contains more detailed information from the runtime regarding the execution state.
agentDisconnected AgentDisconnected The exact state of the workload cannot be determined, e.g., because of a broken connection to the responsible agent.
pending Pending The workload is going to be started eventually.
running Running The workload is operational.
stopping Stopping The workload is scheduled for stopping.
succeeded Succeeded The workload has successfully finished its operation.
failed Failed The workload has failed or is in a degraded state.
notScheduled NotScheduled The workload is not scheduled to run at any agent. This is signalized with an empty agent in the workload specification.
removed Removed The workload was removed from Ankaios. This state is used only internally in Ankaios. The outside world removed states are just not there.


Messages from the Ankaios server to e.g. the Ankaios agent.

Field Type Label Description
updateWorkload UpdateWorkload A message containing lists of workloads to be added or deleted.
updateWorkloadState UpdateWorkloadState A message containing list of workload execution states.
response Response A message containing a response to a previous request.


A message to the Ankaios server to signalize a client (agent or cli) is shutting down.


Field Type Label Description
requestId string
updateStateRequest UpdateStateRequest A message to Ankaios server to update the State of one or more agent(s).
completeStateRequest CompleteStateRequest A message to Ankaios server to request the complete state by the given request id and the optional field mask.


Field Type Label Description
requestId string
error Error
completeState CompleteState
UpdateStateSuccess UpdateStateSuccess


A message containing the state information.

Field Type Label Description
apiVersion string The current version of the API.
workloads State.WorkloadsEntry repeated A mapping from workload names to workload configurations.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value Workload


A message to store a tag.

Field Type Label Description
key string The key of the tag.
value string The value of the tag.


Messages to the Ankaios server.

Field Type Label Description
agentHello AgentHello This message is for internal usage only!
updateWorkloadState UpdateWorkloadState A message to Ankaios server to update the execution state of a workload.
request Request
goodbye Goodbye


A message containing a request to update the state of the Ankaios system. The new state is provided as state object. To specify which part(s) of the new state object should be updated a list of update mask (same as field mask) paths needs to be provided.

Field Type Label Description
newState CompleteState The new state of the Ankaios system.
updateMask string repeated A list of symbolic field paths within the state message structure e.g. 'desiredState.workloads.nginx' to specify what to be updated.


Field Type Label Description
addedWorkloads string repeated Workload istance names of workloads which will be started
deletedWorkloads string repeated Workload instance names of workloads which will be stopped


A message providing information about the workloads to be added and/or deleted.

Field Type Label Description
addedWorkloads AddedWorkload repeated A list of messages containing information about a workload to be added by an Ankaios agent.
deletedWorkloads DeletedWorkload repeated A list of messages containing information about a workload to be deleted by an Ankaios agent.


A message containing the list the workload states.

Field Type Label Description
workloadStates WorkloadState repeated A list of workload states.


A message containing the configuration of a workload.

Field Type Label Description
agent string The name of the owning Agent.
restartPolicy RestartPolicy An enum value that defines the condition under which a workload is restarted.
dependencies Workload.DependenciesEntry repeated A map of workload names and expected states to enable a synchronized start of the workload.
tags Tag repeated A list of tag names.
runtime string The name of the runtime e.g. podman.
runtimeConfig string The configuration information specific to the runtime.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value AddCondition


Field Type Label Description
workloadName string The name of the workload.
agentName string The name of the owning Agent.
id string A unique identifier of the workload.


A message containing the information about the workload state.

Field Type Label Description
instanceName WorkloadInstanceName
executionState ExecutionState The workload execution state.


An enum type describing the expected workload state. Used for dependency management.

Name Number Description
ADD_COND_RUNNING 0 The workload is operational.
ADD_COND_SUCCEEDED 1 The workload has successfully exited.
ADD_COND_FAILED 2 The workload has exited with an error or could not be started.


The exact state of the workload cannot be determined, e.g., because of a broken connection to the responsible agent.

Name Number Description


An enum type describing the conditions for deleting a workload. Used for dependency management, and update strategies.

Name Number Description
DEL_COND_RUNNING 0 The workload is operational.
DEL_COND_NOT_PENDING_NOR_RUNNING 1 The workload is not scheduled or running.


The workload has failed or is in a degraded state.

Name Number Description
FAILED_EXEC_FAILED 0 The workload has failed during operation
FAILED_UNKNOWN 1 The workload is in an unsupported by Ankaios runtime state. The workload was possibly altered outside of Ankaios.
FAILED_LOST 2 The workload cannot be found anymore. The workload was possibly altered outside of Ankaios or was auto-removed by the runtime.


The workload is not scheduled to run at any agent. This is signalized with an empty agent in the workload specification.

Name Number Description


The workload is going to be started eventually.

Name Number Description
PENDING_INITIAL 0 The workload specification has not yet being scheduled
PENDING_WAITING_TO_START 1 The start of the workload will be triggered once all its dependencies are met.
PENDING_STARTING 2 Starting the workload was scheduled at the corresponding runtime.
PENDING_STARTING_FAILED 8 The starting of the workload by the runtime failed.


The workload was removed from Ankaios. This state is used only internally in Ankaios. The outside world removed states are just not there.

Name Number Description


An enum type describing the restart behavior of a workload.

Name Number Description
NEVER 0 The workload is never restarted. Once the workload exits, it remains in the exited state.
ON_FAILURE 1 If the workload exits with a non-zero exit code, it will be restarted.
ALWAYS 2 The workload is restarted upon termination, regardless of the exit code.


The workload is operational.

Name Number Description
RUNNING_OK 0 The workload is operational.


The workload is scheduled for stopping.

Name Number Description
STOPPING 0 The workload is being stopped.
STOPPING_WAITING_TO_STOP 1 The deletion of the workload will be triggered once neither 'pending' nor 'running' workload depending on it exists.
STOPPING_REQUESTED_AT_RUNTIME 2 This is an Ankaios generated state returned when the stopping was explicitly trigged by the user and the request was sent to the runtime.
STOPPING_DELETE_FAILED 8 The deletion of the workload by the runtime failed.


The workload has successfully finished operation.

Name Number Description
SUCCEEDED_OK 0 The workload has successfully finished operation.


Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
ConnectAgent ToServer stream FromServer stream


Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
ConnectCli ToServer stream FromServer stream

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)