Tutorial: Manage a fleet of vehicles from the cloud¶
This tutorial will show you how to manage a fleet of vehicles running Ankaios. We will remotely start new workloads on a vehicle and update existing ones. This tutorial assumes that the reader is familiar with the basics of Ankaios showcased in the tutorial Sending and Receiving Vehicle Signals.
To connect the vehicles to the cloud, we use an MQTT connection. Each vehicle connects to a central MQTT broker. The connection from the vehicle is established by a fleet connector workload managed by Ankaios. The benefit of using an Ankaios workload is that workloads have direct access to the Ankaios control interface, allowing them to start, stop and update other workloads.
To complete this tutorial, you will need a Linux platform, which can be a WSL2, RaspberryPi, a Linux PC or a virtual machine. It's also assumed that the Ankaios setup is done with mutual TLS (mTLS) disabled or using the default installation settings.
MQTT broker¶
In the real world, the MQTT broker would reside in the cloud, but for this tutorial, we set up an MQTT broker on the local machine using the existing Eclipse Mosquitto container image. The container is started with Podman directly to emulate that it is running outside of the vehicle.
This will start a broker on localhost listening on port 1883. For production use cases, MQTT would use TLS and access control, which is skipped here for simplicity.
We separate the messages for the different vehicles by using the following topic scheme:
Our example vehicle is assigned VIN 1. Let's listen to all messages to and from this vehicle by subscribing to the topic vehicle/1/#
podman run --net=host docker.io/eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.20 mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "vehicle/1/#" -v
For now no messages will be shown in this window, but keep it open for the duration of this tutorial to observe the communication, once we proceed with the following steps.
Fleet connector¶
The fleet connector is a containerized workload managed by Ankaios. It will have two connections:
- MQTT connection to the cloud in order to receive messages for starting, stopping and updating workloads in the vehicle and to return the response.
- Connection to the Ankaios' control interface in order to execute the instructions to start, stop and update workloads.
The control interface is made available to each workload via named pipes (FIFO) using a protobuf IDL. In this tutorial, we will use the Ankaios SDK for Python, ank-sdk-python, which provides a convenient way to access the control interface.
Let's take a look at the Fleet Connector implementation:
from ankaios_sdk import Workload, Ankaios, WorkloadStateEnum, WorkloadSubStateEnum, AnkaiosLogLevel, Manifest, Request, CompleteState
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json
import os
import logging
import sys
logger = logging.getLogger("fleetconnector")
stdout = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
# Configuration for MQTT broker and topics
BROKER = os.environ.get('MQTT_BROKER_ADDR', 'localhost')
PORT = int(os.environ.get('MQTT_BROKER_PORT', '1883'))
VEHICLE_ID = os.environ.get('VIN')
BASE_TOPIC = f"vehicle/{VEHICLE_ID}"
# Create a new Ankaios object.
# The connection to the control interface is automatically done at this step.
# The Ankaios class supports context manager syntax:
with Ankaios() as ankaios:
# Callback when the client receives a CONNACK response from the MQTT server
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, reason_code, properties):
# Callback when a PUBLISH message is received from the MQTT server
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
logger.info(f"Received message on topic {msg.topic} with payload {msg.payload.decode()}")
# Handle request for applying a manifest
if msg.topic == f"{BASE_TOPIC}/manifest/apply/req":
manifest = Manifest.from_string(str(msg.payload.decode()))
ret = ankaios.apply_manifest(manifest)
if ret is not None:
client.publish(f"{BASE_TOPIC}/manifest/apply/resp", json.dumps(ret.to_dict()))
# Handle request for deleting a manifest
elif msg.topic == f"{BASE_TOPIC}/manifest/delete/req":
manifest = Manifest.from_string(str(msg.payload.decode()))
ret = ankaios.delete_manifest(manifest)
if ret is not None:
client.publish(f"{BASE_TOPIC}/manifest/delete/resp", json.dumps(ret.to_dict()))
# Handle request for getting the state of Ankaios
elif msg.topic == f"{BASE_TOPIC}/state/req":
state = ankaios.get_state(field_masks=json.loads(str(msg.payload.decode())))
client.publish(f"{BASE_TOPIC}/state/resp", json.dumps(state.to_dict()))
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error processing message: {e}")
# Create an MQTT client instance
mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2)
# Assign the callbacks
mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect
mqtt_client.on_message = on_message
# Connect to the MQTT broker
mqtt_client.connect(BROKER, PORT, 60)
# Blocking call that processes network traffic, dispatches callbacks,
# and handles reconnecting.
This Python script runs inside a container managed by Ankaios. Using
the script connects to the Ankaios control interface. After connecting to the MQTT broker using
the script will listen for incoming MQTT messages.
: This topic allows a remote operator to send an Ankaios manifest that will be applied by the fleet connector using -
: This topic allows a remote operator to send an Ankaios manifest that will be deleted by the fleet connector using -
: Using this topic a remote operator can request the current Ankaios state from the fleet connector usingThe field mask must be provided in JSON format in the message. We will see an example later in this tutorial.
The full source code for the fleet connector is available in the Ankaios repository. The Ankaios SDK for python provides many more features as shown in its documentation. Be sure to use the correct version of the SDK that matches the version of Ankaios you are using.
Deploying the fleet connector¶
If you have not yet installed Ankaios, please follow the instructions here. The following examples assume that the installation script was used with the default options.
We want the fleet connector to run when the vehicle is started and Ankaios is started. Therefore, we add the fleet connector to the startup configuration for Ankaios. Modify /etc/ankaios/state.yaml
to include:
apiVersion: v0.1
runtime: podman
agent: agent_A
- type: StateRule
operation: ReadWrite
- "*"
restartPolicy: NEVER
runtimeConfig: |
image: ghcr.io/eclipse-ankaios/fleet-connector:0.5.4
commandOptions: [ "--net=host", "-e", "VIN=1"]
Since the fleet connector needs to access the Ankaios control interface, we need to allow this with the controlInterfaceAccess
section in the manifest.
See the reference documentation for more information on that.
Now we start Ankaios with:
And we check that the fleet connector is up and running with:
Remote installation of a vehicle data sender¶
Now we want to use the fleet connector to remotely install a new containerized workload on the vehicle. The workload is called vehicle-data-sender
. It will send a (random) speed value to the MQTT broker in the cloud. The full source code of the vehicle data sender is available in the Ankaios repository.
First, we need to create a manifest and name that file vehicle-data-sender.yaml
apiVersion: v0.1
runtime: podman
restartPolicy: NEVER
agent: agent_A
c: vehicle-data-sender-config
runtimeConfig: |
image: ghcr.io/eclipse-ankaios/vehicle-data-sender:0.1.0
- "--net=host"
{{#each c.env}}
- "-e"
- "{{key}}={{value}}"
value: localhost
value: "1883"
- key: TOPIC
value: vehicle/1/sensors/speed
value: "1"
In this manifest, we separate the config from the workload so that we can easily update them separately later.
The config items can be referenced in the agent
and runtimeConfig
workload fields using the handlebars template language.
For all supported fields and syntax, see the corresponding chapter in the reference documentation.
Then we send this file via MQTT to the vehicle/1/manifest/apply/req
podman run --rm --net=host -v $PWD/$FILE:/$FILE docker.io/eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.20 mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "$TOPIC" -f $FILE
The fleet connector will receive this message and use the Ankaios control interface to apply this manifest. Looking at the previous window where we subscribed to MQTT topics, we can see that we are receiving messages from the vehicle data sender, such as
We can also remotely request the workload states from the fleet connector by sending a message to the vehicle/1/state/req
topic. Our fleet connector requires the object field mask in the message and so we send ["workloadStates"]
podman run --rm --net=host docker.io/eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.20 mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "$TOPIC" -m "$MSG"
In the windows with the MQTT subscription, we can see the state arriving as a JSON object using the topic vehicle/1/state/resp
Remote re-configuration of the vehicle data sender¶
Maybe sending speed values to the cloud once per second is a little too often. To change the interval we just need to change the config.
Let's create a new file config.yaml
with just the config for the vehicle data sender and increase the interval to 10 seconds.
apiVersion: v0.1
value: localhost
value: "1883"
- key: TOPIC
value: vehicle/1/sensors/speed
value: "10"
Then we just have to publish the new manifest:
podman run --rm --net=host -v $PWD/$FILE:/$FILE docker.io/eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.20 mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "$TOPIC" -f $FILE
Upon receiving the new config via the fleet connector, Ankaios will stop and restart the vehicle-data-sender
with the new config. After a few seconds we can see that the speed value is now published every 10 seconds.
Remote deletion of a workload¶
Now that we have received enough vehicle sensor data, we can delete the vehicle-data-sender
We can also do this remotely using the fleet connector.
Just publish the manifest with the workload and config from the previous sections to the vehicle/1/manifest/delete/req
podman run --rm --net=host -v $PWD/$FILE:/$FILE docker.io/eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.20 mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "$TOPIC" -f $FILE
This tutorial presented a simple way to manage a fleet of vehicles using Ankaios as an embedded container and workload orchestrator. A sample fleet connector was created using some of the features of the Ankaios SDK for Python. In the near future there will also be an Ankaios SDK for Rust.
If you have questions or want to to discuss a specific use case, you can contact the Ankaios maintainers via Slack or Github discussions (see also Support).