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Inter-workload dependencies

Ankaios enables users to configure dependencies between workloads.

There are two types of inter-workload dependencies supported by Ankaios:

  • explicit
  • implicit

The user configures explicit inter-workload dependencies within a workload's configuration, which Ankaios considers when starting the workload. Ankaios starts workloads with dependencies only when all dependencies are met, allowing the user to define a specific sequence for starting workloads.

Ankaios defines implicit inter-workload dependencies internally and takes them into account when a dependency is deleted.

Explicit inter-workload dependencies

Ankaios supports the following dependency types:

Dependency type AddCondition Description
running ADD_COND_RUNNING The dependency must be operational.
succeeded ADD_COND_SUCCEEDED The dependency must be successfully exited.
failed ADD_COND_FAILED The dependency must exit with a non-zero return code.

The user configures the AddCondition for each dependency in the dependencies field to define one or multiple dependencies for a workload.

apiVersion: v0.1
    agent: agent_A
    runtime: podman
      storage_provider: ADD_COND_RUNNING

When the storage_provider is operational, Ankaios starts the logger workload. The ExecutionState of the workload remains Pending(WaitingToStart) until all dependencies are met.


Ankaios rejects manifests and workload configurations with cyclic dependencies. A manifest is valid only when its workloads and dependencies form a directed acyclic graph.

This example demonstrates how to use dependency types to configure inter-workload dependencies:

flowchart RL

    logger-- running -->storage
    err_handler-- failed -->storage
    storage-- succeeded -->init

The logging service requires an operational storage provider to write logs. Therefore, the storage provider must be started first and its initialization (init_storage) must be completed before starting the provider itself. In case of a failure, an error handler is started to manage errors.

The Ankaios manifest below includes the configuration of each workload and its dependencies:

apiVersion: v0.1
    runtime: podman
    agent: agent_A
      storage_provider: ADD_COND_RUNNING # (1)!
    runtimeConfig: |
      image: alpine:latest
      commandOptions: [ "--entrypoint", "/bin/sleep" ]
      commandArgs: [ "3" ]
    runtime: podman
    agent: agent_B
      init_storage: ADD_COND_SUCCEEDED # (2)!
    runtimeConfig: |
      image: alpine:latest
      commandOptions: [ "--entrypoint", "/bin/sh" ]
      commandArgs: [ "-c", "sleep 5; exit 1" ]
  init_storage: # (3)!
    runtime: podman
    agent: agent_B
    runtimeConfig: |
      image: alpine:latest
      commandOptions: [ "--entrypoint", "/bin/sleep" ]
      commandArgs: [ "2" ]
    runtime: podman
    agent: agent_A
      storage_provider: ADD_COND_FAILED # (4)!
    runtimeConfig: |
      image: alpine:latest
      commandArgs: [ "echo", "report failed storage provider"]
  1. The logger is started only when the storage provider is operational.
  2. The storage provider is started only after the successful completion of init_storage.
  3. init_storage starts immediately since it has no dependencies to wait for.
  4. The error_handler is only started when the storage_provider has failed.

Workloads may have dependencies that do not currently exist in the Ankaios state.

Assuming Ankaios is started with a manifest containing all previous workloads except for the error_handler, a user can update the desired state by adding the restart_service workload. This workload restarts certain workloads and should run after the error_handler has completed. The following Ankaios manifest includes the restart_service workload, which depends on the non-existent error_handler in the current desired state:

    runtime: podman
    agent: agent_B
      error_handler: ADD_COND_SUCCEEDED
    runtimeConfig: |
      image: alpine:latest
      commandArgs: [ "echo", "restart of storage workloads"]

Ankaios delays the restart_service until the error_handler reaches the specified state.

Implicit inter-workload dependencies

Ankaios automatically defines implicit dependencies to prevent a workload from failing or entering an undesired state when a dependency is deleted. These dependencies cannot be configured by the user. Ankaios only defines implicit dependencies for dependencies that other workloads depend on with the running dependency type.

Ankaios does not explicitly delete a workload when its dependency is deleted. Instead, Ankaios delays the deletion of a dependency until all dependent workloads have been deleted. The dependency will have the ExecutionState Stopping(WaitingToStop) as long as it cannot be deleted.

In the previous example, the workload logger depends on the storage_provider with a running dependency type. When the user updates or deletes the storage_provider dependency, Ankaios delays the deletion until the dependent workload logger is neither pending nor running.

If an update meets the delete conditions but not the add conditions, Ankaios will execute the delete operation directly without delaying the entire update.


Ankaios does not define implicit dependencies for workloads that have dependencies with the succeeded and failed types.