Source code for ankaios_sdk._components.response

# Copyright (c) 2024 Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

This script defines the Response and ResponseEvent classes,
used for receiving messages from the control interface.


- Response:
    Represents a response from the control interface.
- ResponseEvent:
    Represents an event used to wait for a response.
- UpdateStateSuccess:
    Represents a response for a successful update state request.


- ResponseType:
    Enumeration for the different types of response. It includes


- Get response content:
    .. code-block:: python

        response = Response()
        (content_type, content) = response.get_content()

- Check if the request_id matches:
    .. code-block:: python

        response = Response()
        if response.check_request_id("1234"):
            print("Request ID matches")

- Convert the update state success to a dictionary:
    .. code-block:: python

        update_state_success = UpdateStateSuccess()

__all__ = ["Response", "ResponseType", "ResponseEvent", "UpdateStateSuccess"]

from typing import Union
from threading import Event
from enum import Enum
from .._protos import _control_api
from ..exceptions import ResponseException, ConnectionClosedException
from ..utils import get_logger
from .complete_state import CompleteState
from .workload_state import WorkloadInstanceName

logger = get_logger()

[docs] class Response: """ Represents a response received from the Ankaios system. Attributes: buffer (bytes): The received message buffer. content_type (str): The type of the response content (e.g., "error", "complete_state", "update_state_success"). content: The content of the response, which can be a string, CompleteState, or UpdateStateSuccess. """
[docs] def __init__(self, message_buffer: bytes) -> None: """ Initializes the Response object with the received message buffer. Args: message_buffer (bytes): The received message buffer. """ self.buffer = message_buffer self._response = None self.content_type = None self.content = None self._parse_response() self._from_proto()
def _parse_response(self) -> None: """ Parses the received message buffer into a protobuf response message. Raises: ResponseException: If there is an error parsing the message buffer. """ from_ankaios = _control_api.FromAnkaios() try: # Deserialize the received proto msg from_ankaios.ParseFromString(self.buffer) except Exception as e: logger.error( "Error parsing the received message: %s", e ) raise ResponseException(f"Parsing error: '{e}'") from e if from_ankaios.HasField("response"): self._response = from_ankaios.response else: logger.error( "Connection closed by the server." ) raise ConnectionClosedException( from_ankaios.connectionClosed.reason) def _from_proto(self) -> None: """ Converts the parsed protobuf message to a Response object. This can be either an error, a complete state, or an update state success. Raises: ResponseException: If the response type is invalid. """ if self._response.HasField("error"): self.content_type = ResponseType.ERROR self.content = self._response.error.message elif self._response.HasField("completeState"): self.content_type = ResponseType.COMPLETE_STATE self.content = CompleteState() self.content._from_proto(self._response.completeState) elif self._response.HasField("UpdateStateSuccess"): update_state_msg = self._response.UpdateStateSuccess self.content_type = ResponseType.UPDATE_STATE_SUCCESS self.content = UpdateStateSuccess() for workload in update_state_msg.addedWorkloads: workload_name, workload_id, agent_name = \ workload.split(".") self.content.added_workloads.append( WorkloadInstanceName( agent_name, workload_name, workload_id ) ) for workload in update_state_msg.deletedWorkloads: workload_name, workload_id, agent_name = \ workload.split(".") self.content.deleted_workloads.append( WorkloadInstanceName( agent_name, workload_name, workload_id ) ) else: raise ResponseException("Invalid response type.")
[docs] def get_request_id(self) -> str: """ Gets the request id of the response. Returns: str: The request id of the response. """ return self._response.requestId
[docs] def get_content(self) -> \ tuple[ 'ResponseType', Union[str, 'CompleteState', 'UpdateStateSuccess'] ]: """ Gets the content of the response. It can be either a string (if error), a CompleteState instance, or a UpdateStateSuccess instance. Returns: tuple[ResponseType, any]: the content type and the content. """ return (self.content_type, self.content)
[docs] class ResponseType(Enum): """ Enumeration for the different types of response. """ ERROR = 1 "(int): Got an error from Ankaios." COMPLETE_STATE = 2 "(int): Got the complete state." UPDATE_STATE_SUCCESS = 3 "(int): Got a successful update state response."
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Converts the ResponseType to a string. Returns: str: The string representation of the ResponseType. """ return
[docs] class ResponseEvent(Event): """ Represents an event that holds a Response object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, response: Response = None) -> None: """ Initializes the ResponseEvent with an optional Response object. Args: response Optional(Response): The response to associate with the event. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__() self._response = response
[docs] def set_response(self, response: Response) -> None: """ Sets the response and triggers the event. Args: response (Response): The response to set. """ self._response = response self.set()
[docs] def get_response(self) -> Response: """ Gets the response associated with the event. Returns: Response: The response associated with the event. """ return self._response
[docs] def wait_for_response(self, timeout: int) -> Response: """ Waits for the response to be set, with a specified timeout. Args: timeout (int): The maximum time to wait for the response, in seconds. Returns: Response: The response associated with the event. Raises: TimeoutError: If the response is not set within the specified timeout. """ if not self.wait(timeout): raise TimeoutError("Timeout while waiting for the response.") return self.get_response()
[docs] class UpdateStateSuccess: """ Represents an object that holds the added and deleted workloads. This is automatically returned whenever a state update is successful. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializes the UpdateStateSuccess. """ self.added_workloads = [] self.deleted_workloads = []
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ Converts the UpdateStateSuccess to a dictionary. Returns: dict: The dictionary representation. """ return { "added_workloads": [instance_name.to_dict() for instance_name in self.added_workloads], "deleted_workloads": [instance_name.to_dict() for instance_name in self.deleted_workloads] }
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Converts the UpdateStateSuccess to a string. Returns: str: The string representation. """ added_workloads = [ str(instance_name) for instance_name in self.added_workloads] deleted_workloads = [ str(instance_name) for instance_name in self.deleted_workloads] return f"Added workloads: {added_workloads}, " \ f"Deleted workloads: {deleted_workloads}"